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Studio Lockdown aka Playtime
Tuesday, 14 November 2006

Mood:  silly
Topic: Beading

After an Ugly A** Bead Swap, we were challenged to use every danged one of those fuglies.  Here's my UAB shoes.

Posted by samandsha at 8:28 PM EST
Monday, 13 November 2006

Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Tickled Pink
Topic: Beading

OK...one last happy pic.  This bracelet was done in a challenge to bead laughter.   This one started a style for me that I call the Wild Willie.  Nite..sweet dreams.

Posted by samandsha at 9:47 PM EST

Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Polymer Clay

Changing channels again.  This is a fun piece made from polymer clay.

Posted by samandsha at 9:38 PM EST

Topic: Glass works

More meltings.  This shot is of two soap dishes and a candle shelter.  The shelter is laying on it's side to show the iridized coating better.  Of course, I got too excited and too it out of the kiln before cooled properly and got a stress fracture...bummer :-(  It's still purdy though.  Ahhh...the learning and relearning process...neverending.

Posted by samandsha at 9:32 PM EST
Thursday, 9 November 2006

Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Road Trip
Topic: Beading

Upon receiving these adorable "Bug" beads as a Christmas gift a few years ago, I went to my LBS and said I need "Line down the middle of the road yellow".  Knowing me as they do...they replied..."Well, of course, you do"   Road trip...a real fun one to wear.

Posted by samandsha at 8:14 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 9 November 2006 8:16 PM EST
Wednesday, 8 November 2006

Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: My name tag
Topic: Beading

After being honored to be accepted at one of the largest shows in Indy, I just felt I HAD to have a proper name tag.  It was also a good excuse to bead a fish.  Sorry folks...only post for the night...

Posted by samandsha at 6:20 PM EST
Tuesday, 7 November 2006

Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Cypress Sea
Topic: Beading

My first mulit-cab piece...boy it seems so long ago now.

Pooped out...last entry for tonight.  Sweet dreams!

Posted by samandsha at 7:58 PM EST

Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: The Promise

Fun Spring Bracelet sold at Broadripple and I made a matching necklace to go with it.

Posted by samandsha at 7:56 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 23 September 2007 6:43 AM EDT
Monday, 6 November 2006


 This quirky little pin was done as a challenge to bead courage.  I got this "Picasso-ish" cab in Providence, Rhode Island on a wild trip by myself exploring in a taxi.  Symbolized the courage of artist to express themselves, even when what they express is bit out of the norm.  That's all for tonight.....sweet dreams.


Posted by samandsha at 9:20 PM EST

Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Just bead play
Topic: Beading

I'm going to post some old favs, just for pure fun.   This was an experimental technique done for a valentine bracelet swap.  Blue Jean Valentine


Posted by samandsha at 9:15 PM EST

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