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Studio Lockdown aka Playtime
Sunday, 5 November 2006

Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Panama Pepper
Topic: Beading

An old fav...

Posted by samandsha at 10:24 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 6 November 2006 9:05 PM EST

Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Polymer Clay

Just some play stuff.  Have wanted to do matching boxes for each piece of jewelry...this is the first of many....Lily is her name.

Posted by samandsha at 9:48 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 6 November 2006 9:09 PM EST

Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Woo Hoo...let's try that again
Topic: PMC

Yeah!  Here we go now....

Taught classes Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Sally's Ceramics here in P'boro.  Thursday was polymer clay, Friday and Saturday were pmc.  Here's somma the things I created as demos for beginners.  The glass cabs in this pic are from playing with new glass molds and porcelain decals on glass.

Posted by samandsha at 9:03 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 8 November 2006 6:19 PM EST

Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Learning curve
Topic: Beading

Tried to add a pic and goofed it up so bad, I had to delete.  Kind of powerful, ya' know...cause I'm the manager...lol.

  Let me try it again.  Pic of bracelets..hopefully not gargantuan this time..we'll see.



Posted by samandsha at 8:36 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 6 November 2006 9:13 PM EST
When life gets in the way...lock the studio and play

I have come to the blog world in hopes of sharing art play, experiments and general musings.

While the whole website thing can be a bit daunting, I am hoping the blog will be a place to share just plain fun.  Many times I create pieces that aren't necessarily in my "common" line of works.  I can now document these oddities and ramble on about them, right?

Posted by samandsha at 7:42 PM EST
Tuesday, 1 January 2002


Posted by samandsha at 1:00 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 23 September 2007 6:42 PM EDT

Mood:  on fire
Topic: Glass works

I've been in the mood to just play.  Sometimes I TRY to put together stuff that I'm just sure will look horrible together.  I find some of my best delightful combos that way.  This little number is CIM Pate and Uboros Neon Orchid...who's a thunk it.  Not a great bead, but the combo has potential.  I encourage you to go play!

Posted by samandsha at 1:00 AM EST

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