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Studio Lockdown aka Playtime
Sunday, 31 December 2006

Mood:  happy
Topic: Glass works

Just in case you think I'm not doing my time as an apprentice.  Here's my orphans to date, mostly made in the last 30 days.  These are only the good ones, with no blown holes and NO wonkies...some are not so beautiful, but that's the eye of the beholder kind of thing..or not.  I have quite the junk pile, another whole load in the kiln and off to make more.  Dang, I love this.

Posted by samandsha at 11:25 AM EST
Saturday, 30 December 2006

Mood:  suave
Topic: Glass works

Todays offerings to the beadie Goddesses...Growth Rings. 

  I wanted to use and label some of my new pretty colors and try out Firelight Opal.  I had to stop, these were just getting bigger and bigger.  At least, what I got out of Firelight Opal is nothing to write home about, but I'm sure it might be awesome with an experienced hand.

Posted by samandsha at 5:23 PM EST

Mood:  smelly
Topic: Glass works

Well, yesterday, I spent making half beads...OK, so they cracked.  I'll make some Super Bowl rings with these as settings...later.  I did knock out a small set of cinnamon swirls with blue iris reduced.  Tiny, but I had to come out with sumphin'.  I made a yummy vessel and one pretty good encased floral which are both camera shy.  The vessel just refuses to be photographed and the floral took a spin on the studio floor and could be lost forever...;0).

Posted by samandsha at 7:33 AM EST
Thursday, 28 December 2006

Mood:  quizzical

OK, I've changed my mind about the set below.  Not only do the two bigguns go in the junk pile, but all the rest too.  BLECK!

  I really did make some pretties today.  I've decided that glass is a lot like gambling...you "win" just often enough to keep you coming back.  My new ones are nappin' in the blankie, so you don't get to see them until later.

Someone else is nappin' in the blankie too and she cute as a button.  My Sha

Posted by samandsha at 4:55 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 28 December 2006 8:39 PM EST
Sunday, 24 December 2006

Mood:  happy
Topic: Glass works

Here's the second set for the day.  The fabric is one of the pieces on a favorite purse of mine...delisch.  Again, got close with the beads.  Starting to jump around size wise...time to make some fritters!













Posted by samandsha at 8:19 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 24 December 2006 8:30 PM EST

Mood:  happy
Topic: Glass works

Happy Holidays to all!  Another inspiration day for me at the torch.  This first fabric is just yummy.  I got close, my focal is kinda dorky, but I get a beginners pass for a while, right?????
















Posted by samandsha at 8:10 PM EST
Saturday, 23 December 2006

Mood:  lucky
Topic: Glass works

Today I tried to work on getting inspiration from my eyes on the beadies.  Size and shape are starting to come more regularly and will eventually become instinct.  I picked a fabric that I like and tried to make beads, regardless of size and shape, from that inspiration.  I'm happy with my first attempt and really liked this exercise.  I'mma do it again.  Oh yeah, I'm a fabric junkie too...so this could go on forever...lol.














Posted by samandsha at 7:10 PM EST
Thursday, 21 December 2006

Mood:  happy
Topic: Glass works

I'd doing the happy dance here.  My glass order arrived right before I have 10 days off!  Yeah for me.  I have so many new colors to work with...YUM!  I'm the richest girl in the world....!!!!

Posted by samandsha at 10:41 PM EST
Friday, 15 December 2006

Mood:  d'oh
Topic: Glass works

Been practicing florals.  This is my best one so far....a long way to go, but I'm tickled with this one for now.

Posted by samandsha at 6:00 PM EST
Friday, 8 December 2006

Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Paintings

A relaxing week at the lake spawned this watercolor.  Peaceful, huh?

Posted by samandsha at 10:30 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 8 December 2006 10:34 PM EST

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